Chivate’s Liquid Jaggery


Chivate’s Liquid Jaggery is extracted from concentrating sugarcane juice after clarification process. It is a semi-liquid and also known as Kakavi or Kaakavi. It can be used as natural sweetener to make flavored drinks etc. Now order online directly from the farmer.

100% Organic & Natural. Chemical Free Process. No Added Flavors or Colors.

SKU: chivate-organic-jaggery-liquid Category: Tag:


Chivate’s Organica owned and maintained by Chivate family since last 40 plus years has won many awards and also it has been recognized by various organizations. They are well-known for the farming practices used by them, as they make use of organic waste material which includes residue from planted crops such as sugarcane straws, which results into low water usage. They are situated at Kinhai, Taluka –  Koregaon, District – Satara in Maharashtra.

Due to the chemical free process the jaggery is rich in minerals such as salts & magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system and helps relaxing the muscles. Also, potassium & sodium from the jaggery helps maintaining the acid balance in the body cells and controls the blood pressure of body.

  • Rich in Iron
  • Prevents Anemia
  • Helps relieve tension
  • Beneficial for Asthma due to its anti-allergy properties
  • Helps reduce water retention in body that eventually controls body weight

Additional information

Weight N/A

250 ml, 500 ml


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